Sunday, August 26, 2012

Photos & more to come!

Shaeffer with Robert Barron and his new big ear

I feel awful that I haven't posted since our trip. We had a great time and couldn't be happier with the results! I will be posting photos and more this coming week and will give a full update on all that happened on our trip and since we've come home...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The night before we fly...

As I sit here, almost all packed and ready for our trip, I'm flooded with emotion. I am so thankful to everyone that has been here for us for the incredible support. I'm a ball of nerves and so anxious - not sure what to expect. I just want Shaeffer to be great with everything. I still see him and look at him very much the same way I did in this photo. So much in love. He is such a sensitive l'il soul I just hope that we have made the right decision. I think we have. I'll keep everyone posted on the progress. This whole experience has made me realize how incredible people are and we are so grateful.
Love, Shan xo

Thursday, August 2, 2012


My husband and I weren't sure what to do as far as fundraising went - if anything at all. We were encouraged by a friends of ours to explore the idea of a bake sale/yard sale and silent auction. I didn't want to ask for handouts; this was a choice we were making to help Shaeffer by getting a prosthesis... No one told us we had to do it, we just knew as his mom & dad that we had to. In deciding to do some fundraising, we really wanted to make sure that people were buying/bidding on items that they were able to take home. The whole idea took on a life of it's own...

We are SO blessed. We didn't have to ask for one item.

Friends and family arrived the morning of the garage & bake sale with awesome items to sell, super yummy baked goods, or to simply to help out with the crowds.... The little ones even stayed to help Shaef & Wyatt sell lemonade to go along with the yummy treats (Thank you Amanda, Trudy, Laura (and for helping organize the whole event and all of your amazing advice!!!), Carli, Crystal, Alison,Trish, Sarah, Megan, and Doreen of Vanilla Gourmet Cupcakes)...

Our friends at Pure Yoga Ottawa offered to host a 'Karma Class' where all proceeds were donated to Shaeffer. They even quenched everyone's thirst after the awesome hot yoga class with cupcakes from Megan Scott Cupcakes (she also donated a gorgeous cake that we had at our bake sale) and David's Tea!

The Silent Auction... our uber talented friends volunteered to do artwork & photography (thank youDarren, Cedric, Steve & Myrosia), gift certificates galore (thank you to Jeff of McAuslan who donated beer for a year (yes, beer for a YEAR!), Jen & Amber from Pure Yoga Ottawa, Matt fromEagle Creek Golf Course, Annabelle of Emeline & Annabelle Sew Lounge, Tracy of Moonroom & Trio, Ivan, Matt & Chris from Union 613, Sean from Grace O'Malley's, Tracey Lynne Photography, Davonne & Mel from Foster Family Farms, Robin Morgan of Stella & Dot Jewelry, Alison of Miche Canada, and finally John Couse from the Lieutenant's Pump who is the classiest and nicest pub owner around...he not only bid on (and won) a lot of the items there, he donated 50% of back bar sales that evening... wow!).

Thank you to everyone who came out to support Shaeffer's Big Ear Adventure! Whether you bid on anything or came out for a hug and a smile, it did NOT go unnoticed. We love all of you and are so grateful to have you in our lives.

How lucky can one little family be?

The fact that all of these items were voluntarily offered without even being asked speaks volumes about the people we surround ourselves with. Truly wonderful, caring, incredible human beings.

After the Silent Auction at Lieutenant's Pump, we have raised enough to pay for nearly 80% of Shaeffer's Prosthesis. Amazing.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A little introduction...

My name is Shannon. I'm the mother of two amazing sons, Shaeffer & Wyatt who are the lights of my life. Shaef is almost 5 years old and was born with a condition called Microtia. This blog will be a little about our journey so far and as we go. I wish that I'd started it so so so long ago.
I wrote a post a while back about some decisions we'd made and I thought it would be a great thing to share here as well. It was written shortly after we went to a Microtia picnic in Toronto hosted and organized by Ear Community. Here it is:

It’s a long one… here’s my heart.

Sooo, after almost 5 years of research and careful thought… I think we’ve come to a decision for Shaeffer. We met with Dr. Brent, Dr. Kesser, Dr. Schramm, and Dr. Yip… and spoke to Robert Barron all before Shaeffer was 6 months old. He’s soon to be 5.

We have done plenty of soul searching, as I know all of us parents do…. Do we “change him”? Will he think we don’t love him as he is? Will there be long term psychological consequences if we pursue surgery/medpor/prosthetic? What if we don’t? What if he’s bullied? What if the damage caused by being tormented is carried with him his whole life? Will he feel we didn’t care enough to help him? So much uncertainty. Too many sleepless nights of worry and tears. Lots of dark hours. More at the beginning of Shaeffer’s life than I care to admit (my wardrobe was the same awful bathrobe and pj’s for almost 6 months…). The questions, the doubt, the guilt, the worry…. What could I have done differently? Did I sleep on the wrong side while pregnant? Did that diet coke do it? Maybe it was the shrimp I ate?

All I could think of was him as his future 4 year old self, getting off the school bus in tears because someone had been mean to him. He was only a few weeks old, and that’s all I could play over in my mind. I could protect him until he went to school. Then what?

Well, then Shaeffer started school…and well, he is the life of the party. The funny guy. The “happy, sweet boy” as his teacher puts it.

There was nothing within my control that could have changed the fact that my first born beautiful boy has microtia. Shaeffer is a blessing. He has made me a better person and continues to enlighten me every single day. I couldn’t be a more proud mum. I have realized that I do have a little bit of control now though. My husband said to me…”Shan, if he didn’t have a hand, or an eye, or an arm, we would get him one, right?” Right you are (again *sigh*)…

We’ve decided that the best decision for our little man is a prosthetic. For now. He’s made it very clear to us that he wants to keep his little ear and would like to have just his little ear sometimes. That made me happy. I showed him the before and after photos on Robert Barron’s website (, and he was smiling from ear to ear. He’ll have the option to wear it if he chooses to. Nothing permanent. That was a benefit for us (I’m sure it would be a drawback for some too).

I had an almost hour long conversation with Robert Barron when we’d decided this was the best course of action for Shaeffer and he was wonderful. He answered all of my questions and put any worries I had at ease. If anyone hasn’t considered prosthesis, please research it as a potential option. We all have to make the best decision for our little people (or big people), and I think that the more informed we all are, the more confident decision we will make. God only knows, we all need a little bit of confidence when there has been so much doubt and anxiety for many of us.

I wish that I could express how important this group has become to me. The picnic on Saturday in Toronto was something I will never forget. So many beautiful faces. A great group of perfect little people with a common uniqueness.

Peace and Love. x
Shannon and Shaeffer